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Apr 20, 2023

Kat covers the world’s most famous shark and inspiration for Jaws, or as we like to call it “Shark.” The Jersey Man Eater took more than a nibble from more than four people… Or was it the sea turtles? Next, Hayley recounts the time Norway and Great Britain got in a pissing contest to see who could arrive first in the “awful place” known as the South Pole. The human will to live leaves the chat about the same time the temperature plummeted to -68 degrees. 

Link to Good Ohio Dogman Encounter:

Produced by Parasaur Studios © 2023

Race to the South Pole Sources:

The Treacherous Race to the South Pole

The Race to the PoleRoald Amundsen and Robert Scott - 1911-1912

The Race Begins: Land!: AMNH