Apr 13, 2023
Hayley tells the story of Elizabeth Holmes, the youngest self-made billionaire and inventor of 3 Edison machines in a trenchcoat. Elizabeth’s blood analyzing technology was supposed to make the impossible possible. Only it really was impossible- if only someone had told her that. Then, Kat explains how tulip bulbs were the 17th century’s version of turnips in animal crossing. Only, this was real life, and people spent their life savings on flowers.
Produced by Parasaur Studios © 2023
Elizabeth Holmes Sources:
In His Own Words: The Theranos Whistleblower
The rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes, the former Theranos CEO found guilty of wire fraud and conspiracy who will head to prison this month after losing her bid to remain free during appeal
Avery Hartmans
The rise and fall of Theranos, the blood-testing startup that went from Silicon Valley darling to facing fraud charges
Elizabeth Holmes returns to court in bid to avoid prison
Elizabeth Holmes
Tulip Mania Sources: